
The 3 secrets of Moringa, the superfood with the most powerful beauty effects.

Moringa is attracting attention as possibly the most nutrient-dense plant on the planet. Its nutritional content is said to be 96 times more vitamin E than an egg, 4.6 times more folic acid than spinach, and 50 times more antioxidants than an avocado.

Not only is it good for you, but it also tastes great and is used by many celebrities, including the popular singer Madonna and models.

This article will help you understand the benefits of incorporating Moringa into your life for those who want to stay beautiful and young.

What is the superfood “Moringa”?


Moringa is a member of the horseradish family of plants native to India.

Since ancient times, Moringa has been used in India in a folk medicine called Ayurveda to treat and prevent as many as 300 diseases.

The United Nations World Food Program (WFP) has designated Moringa as effective in combating malnutrition in impoverished areas, and the WFP was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2020 for this initiative.


Moringa grows in subtropical regions and is now cultivated not only in India but also in Japan and many other countries because of the tree’s long life span of 20 years and its ability to use all of its leaves, stems, fruits, seeds, and roots.


It is called the “miracle tree” because of its high nutritional value, and is attracting attention worldwide. Especially in the beauty industry, it is gaining popularity as a superfood due to its high antioxidant effect and abundant nutrients.


*Superfoods are foods that are more nutritious than ordinary foods and are expected to have positive effects on health and beauty.



Moringa Secret 1: Amazing Nutritional Value

Moringa is especially rich in vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber.

Nutrients in Moringa (1): Vitamins

Moringa contains almost all vitamins, including A, B-complex (B1, B2, B6, niacin, folic acid), C, and E. It is said to contain about seven times as much vitamin C as oranges and four times as much β-carotene as carrots.

Nutrients in Moringa (2): Dietary Fiber

It is said to contain five times more dietary fiber than burdock root and 30 times more than lettuce, which helps relieve constipation and improve the intestinal environment. It is also ideal for weight loss as the increase in good bacteria leads to an increase in metabolism.

Nutrients in Moringa (3): Minerals

It is rich in calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc, and other minerals necessary for building bones and blood.

It is said to contain 16 times more calcium than milk and 7 times more zinc than garlic.

Nutrients in Moringa (4): Amino Acids

It contains all the essential amino acids that cannot be synthesized in the body and supports protein synthesis.

It is said to contain 10 times more amino acids than sprouted brown rice.

Nutrients in Moringa (5): Polyphenols

It is high in antioxidants and protects the body from active oxygen that causes aging.

It is said to contain eight times more polyphenols than red wine.


Moringa Secret 2: Beauty Benefits (anti-aging, whitening, skin and nail health)

The beauty benefits of the abundant nutrients in Moringa include “anti-aging,” “skin beautifying,” “skin and nail health,” and “diet support.

Moringa’s beauty benefit 1: Anti-aging (antioxidant effect)

Moringa is rich in various types of antioxidants.

Antioxidant action is the reduction of reactive oxygen species in the body, thereby reducing oxidation, which is a factor in aging and disease.

Moringa is rich in vitamin C, vitamin E, and polyphenols, making it a potent antioxidant.

Moringa’s Beauty Effect 2: Skin Beautifying Effects

The vitamins and minerals contained in Moringa provide skin beautifying effects.

Vitamin A: Vitamin A supports skin regeneration. It also helps the stratum corneum retain moisture and improves the skin’s barrier function.

Vitamin C: Vitamin C promotes collagen production and gives skin elasticity and firmness. It also suppresses melanin production and has a whitening effect.

Vitamin E: High in antioxidants, it protects the skin from active oxygen and prevents aging. It also promotes the circulation of vitamin E and improves the supply of nutrients to the skin cells.

Minerals: Minerals such as zinc and magnesium are also abundant, which promote skin metabolism and healthy skin.

It also prevents wrinkles and the aggravation of wrinkles through its antioxidant effect and promotion of collagen production as described above.

Vitamin C inhibits melanin production, thus preventing spots and freckles, and its antioxidant effect also has a whitening effect.

Moringa Beauty Benefit 3: Hair and Nail Health

The zinc and amino acids in moringa strengthen hair and nails.

Moringa’s Beauty Benefits 4: Diet Support

Moringa is high in vegetable protein, with 27 grams of protein per 100 grams, more than the 24 grams found in chicken meat. This helps maintain muscle mass, and the abundant fiber content promotes satiety and helps support weight loss.


Moringa Secret 3: Easily incorporated into both drinks and Japanese food

Moringa is not only consumed as a supplement, but is also distributed as tea bags and powder, which can be enjoyed in a variety of ways.


For drinks, there are ways to mix moringa powder into soy milk or milk blends, moringa lattes, or smoothies. Moringa is caffeine-free and can be enjoyed as an herbal tea.


In Japanese food, you can also mix moringa powder into natto (fermented soybeans) or even into boiled rice when fresh moringa is available.


The only fasting hotel in Japan using Moringa was born!

In 2020, Japan’s first Moringa-based fasting hotel was born.

It is named The hotel is called “Umi no Mori.”



At Fasting Hotel Umi-no-Mori in Ito City, Shizuoka Prefecture, we fast using moringa and follow up with a recovery meal.

Reviews include, “My skin feels better,” “I don’t get hungry because of the moringa,” and “I lost weight.”

The large bathrooms offer access to hot springs and a remote work environment, so you can work while getting clean.




Incorporate Moringa into your daily life to maintain healthy skin!

Moringa is rich in nutrients that support our health and beauty.

It is not yet found in Japanese supermarkets, but it is readily available through online stores.


With the recent rise in the price of fruits and vegetables, we need to incorporate Moringa into our daily lives in order to regulate our nutritional deficiencies and maintain a healthy and beautiful body.
